ASCII table in Hexadecimal

ASCII, stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It is a coding system that assigns numerical values ​​to characters and symbols, allowing their representation and manipulation in computers and other electronic devices.

Hexadecimal control characters

(characters 0 to 31)

00NULNull character
01SOHStart of Heading
02STXStart of Text
03ETXEnd of Text
04EOTEnd of Transmission
07BELBell, Alert
09HTHorizontal Tab
0ALFLine Feed
0BVTVertical Tabulation
0CFFForm Feed
0DCRCarriage Return
0ESOShift Out
0FSIShift In
10DLEData Link Escape
11DC1Device Control One (XON)
12DC2Device Control Two
13DC3Device Control Three (XOFF)
14DC4Device Control Four
15NAKNegative Acknowledge
16SYNSynchronous Idle
17ETBEnd of Transmission Block
19EMEnd of medium
1CFSFile Separator
1DGSGroup Separator
1ERSRecord Separator
1FUSUnit Separator

Control characters in ASCII code are those that do not represent a visible symbol on the screen, but are used to control devices, such as printers or text terminals. These characters perform specific functions, such as controlling the position of the cursor, starting a new line, or signaling the end of a file.

Range of numbers for control characters in ASCII

0 to 31: These are the first 32 characters of the ASCII code, used for various control functions.

Examples of ASCII code control characters

  • 0 (NUL): Null character.
  • 7 (BEL): Emits a bell or alert sound.
  • 8 (BS): Backspace.
  • 9 (TAB): Horizontal tabulation.
  • 10 (LF): Line Feed.
  • 13 (CR): Carriage Return.
  • 27 (ESC): Escape character.
  • Y el carácter 127 (DEL): It is the “delete” character.

These control characters are essential for communication and control of hardware and software devices, although they are not displayed as visible symbols on a screen.

Printable characters in Hexadecimal

(characters from 32 to 126)

21!Exclamation mark
22Double quotes (or speech marks)
23#Number sign
25%Per cent sign
27Single quote
28(Open parenthesis (or open bracket)
29)Close parenthesis (or close bracket)
2E.Period, dot or full stop
2F/Slash or divide
3C<Less than (or open angled bracket)
3E>Greater than (or close angled bracket)
3F?Question mark
40@At sign
41AUppercase A
42BUppercase B
43CUppercase C
44DUppercase D
45EUppercase E
46FUppercase F
47GUppercase G
48HUppercase H
49IUppercase I
4AJUppercase J
4BKUppercase K
4CLUppercase L
4DMUppercase M
4ENUppercase N
4FOUppercase O
50PUppercase P
51QUppercase Q
52RUppercase R
53SUppercase S
54TUppercase T
55UUppercase U
56VUppercase V
57WUppercase W
58XUppercase X
59YUppercase Y
5AZUppercase Z
5B[Opening bracket
5D]Closing bracket
5E^Caret – circumflex
60`Grave accent
61aLowercase a
62bLowercase b
63cLowercase c
64dLowercase d
65eLowercase e
66fLowercase f
67gLowercase g
68hLowercase h
69iLowercase i
6AjLowercase j
6BkLowercase k
6ClLowercase l
6DmLowercase m
6EnLowercase n
6FoLowercase o
70pLowercase p
71qLowercase q
72rLowercase r
73sLowercase s
74tLowercase t
75uLowercase u
76vLowercase v
77wLowercase w
78xLowercase x
79yLowercase y
7AzLowercase z
7B{Opening brace
7C|Vertical bar
7D}Closing brace
7E~Equivalency sign – tilde

Printable ASCII characters are those that can be represented visually on a screen or printer. These characters include letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and special symbols.

Range of numbers for printable characters in ASCII

These range from 32 to 126 and these are some examples:

  • 32 (espacio): It is a white space character.
  • 33-47: Punctuation marks and symbols (e.g. !, “, #, etc.).
  • 48-57: Numeric digits (0-9).
  • 58-64: More punctuation marks and symbols (e.g. :, ;, <, =, etc.).
  • 65-90: Capital letters (A-Z).
  • 91-96: Brackets and other symbols (e.g. [, \, ], ^, _, etc.).
  • 97-122: Lowercase letters (a-z).
  • 123-126: Braces and other symbols (eg. {, |, }, ~).

In total, there are 95 printable characters in the standard ASCII set.

Extended ASCII to Hexadecimal

(characters from 128 to 255)

80Euro sign
82Single low-9 quotation mark
83ƒLatin small letter f with hook
84Double low-9 quotation mark
85Horizontal ellipsis
87Double dagger
88ˆModifier letter circumflex accent
89Per mille sign
8AŠLatin capital letter S with caron
8BSingle left-pointing angle quotation
8CŒLatin capital ligature OE
8EŽLatin capital letter Z with caron
91Left single quotation mark
92Right single quotation mark
93Left double quotation mark
94Right double quotation mark
96En dash
97Em dash
98˜Small tilde
99Trademark symbol
9AšLatin small letter S with caron
9BSingle right-pointing angle quotation mark
9CœLatin small ligature oe
9EžLatin small letter z with caron
9FŸLatin capital letter Y with diaeresis
A0NBSPNon-breaking space
A1¡Inverted exclamation mark
A2¢Cent sign
A3£Pound sign
A4¤Currency sign
A5¥Yen sign
A6¦Pipe, broken vertical bar
A7§Section sign
A8¨Spacing diaeresis – umlaut
A9©Copyright sign
AAªFeminine ordinal indicator
AB«Left double angle quotes
AD­SHYSoft hyphen
AE®Registered trademark sign
AF¯Spacing macron – overline
B0°Degree sign
B1±Plus-or-minus sign
B2²Superscript two – squared
B3³Superscript three – cubed
B4´Acute accent – spacing acute
B5µMicro sign
B6Pilcrow sign – paragraph sign
B7·Middle dot – Georgian comma
B8¸Spacing cedilla
B9¹Superscript one
BAºMasculine ordinal indicator
BB»Right double angle quotes
BC¼Fraction one quarter
BD½Fraction one half
BE¾Fraction three quarters
BF¿Inverted question mark
C0ÀLatin capital letter A with grave
C1ÁLatin capital letter A with acute
C2ÂLatin capital letter A with circumflex
C3ÃLatin capital letter A with tilde
C4ÄLatin capital letter A with diaeresis
C5ÅLatin capital letter A with ring above
C6ÆLatin capital letter AE
C7ÇLatin capital letter C with cedilla
C8ÈLatin capital letter E with grave
C9ÉLatin capital letter E with acute
CAÊLatin capital letter E with circumflex
CBËLatin capital letter E with diaeresis
CCÌLatin capital letter I with grave
CDÍLatin capital letter I with acute
CEÎLatin capital letter I with circumflex
CFÏLatin capital letter I with diaeresis
D0ÐLatin capital letter ETH
D1ÑLatin capital letter N with tilde
D2ÒLatin capital letter O with grave
D3ÓLatin capital letter O with acute
D4ÔLatin capital letter O with circumflex
D5ÕLatin capital letter O with tilde
D6ÖLatin capital letter O with diaeresis
D7×Multiplication sign
D8ØLatin capital letter O with slash
D9ÙLatin capital letter U with grave
DAÚLatin capital letter U with acute
DBÛLatin capital letter U with circumflex
DCÜLatin capital letter U with diaeresis
DDÝLatin capital letter Y with acute
DEÞLatin capital letter THORN
DFßLatin small letter sharp s – ess-zed
E0àLatin small letter a with grave
E1áLatin small letter a with acute
E2âLatin small letter a with circumflex
E3ãLatin small letter a with tilde
E4äLatin small letter a with diaeresis
E5åLatin small letter a with ring above
E6æLatin small letter ae
E7çLatin small letter c with cedilla
E8èLatin small letter e with grave
E9éLatin small letter e with acute
EAêLatin small letter e with circumflex
EBëLatin small letter e with diaeresis
ECìLatin small letter i with grave
EDíLatin small letter i with acute
EEîLatin small letter i with circumflex
EFïLatin small letter i with diaeresis
F0ðLatin small letter eth
F1ñLatin small letter n with tilde
F2òLatin small letter o with grave
F3óLatin small letter o with acute
F4ôLatin small letter o with circumflex
F5õLatin small letter o with tilde
F6öLatin small letter o with diaeresis
F7÷Division sign
F8øLatin small letter o with slash
F9ùLatin small letter u with grave
FAúLatin small letter u with acute
FBûLatin small letter u with circumflex
FCüLatin small letter u with diaeresis
FDýLatin small letter y with acute
FEþLatin small letter thorn
FFÿLatin small letter y with diaeresis

The Extended ASCII code table is an extension of the standard ASCII set, which originally covered only the numbers 0 through 127. Extended ASCII uses values ​​from 128 to 255, adding 128 additional characters, including symbols, accented letters, graphic characters, and others not in the standard ASCII set.

Range of numbers for extended ASCII characters

These range from 128 to 255.

  • 128-159: These characters include several additional control symbols and special characters used on some systems. Many of these characters may vary depending on the code page (or character set) used.
  • 160-255: This range includes accented characters (used in European languages), specific letters of some alphabets (such as Greek), mathematical symbols, simple graphics, and other special symbols.

Examples of characters in the extended ASCII table:

  • Á (193): Capital letter A with acute accent.
  • é (233): Lowercase letter e with acute accent.
  • Ç (199): Capital letter C with cedilla.
  • Ñ ​​(209): Capital letter N with accent (used in Spanish).
  • ß (223): Letter eszett or scharfes S (used in German).
  • Ω (234): Letter omega (from the Greek alphabet).
  • ¼ (188): Fraction one quarter.
  • £ (163): Symbol of the pound sterling.

The new extended character set was created to meet the need to represent more characters, especially for different languages ​​and graphical applications, but its interpretation may vary depending on the encoding used (e.g. Latin-1, Windows-1252, etc.).